IMAP Mail v.2
1. Open Mail by clicking on the Mail icon in the Dock, or by opening the Macintosh HD, opening the Applications folder, and double clicking on the Mail icon.

2. Click the Mail menu and choose Preferences.

3. Click the Accounts button at the top, on the left. Click the plus (+) button at the bottom left.

4. For Account Type, select IMAP Account.
5. Once you have selected IMAP Account, fill in the following fields;
- For Account Description, enter something to help you remember which account this represents. We suggest entering your email address or My Account.
- For Full Name, enter Your Full Name as you would like it to be seen by people receiving email from you.
- For Email Address, enter your email address in the format of

6. Click Continue
- For Incoming Mail Server, enter
- For User Name, enter your username.
- For Password, enter your password in the box assigned to you by netINS, Inc..

7. Click Continue.
8. Leave this screen as it is and click Continue.

9. On the Outgoing Server page:
- For Outgoing Mail Server, enter
- Be sure to put a check next to Use Authentication.
- For User Name, enter your username.
- For Password, enter your password in the box assigned to you by netINS, Inc..

10. Click Continue.
11. Leave this screen as it is and click Continue.

12. If all of the settings appear to be correct, click Continue, or you can go back and correct any typos you might see.

13. Click Done.

14. Click Server Settings.

15. Here:
- For Server port, enter 587.
- The rest of the fields should already be filled in and should look similar to the following screenshot:

16. Click OK.
17. Close the Preferences window.
You are now ready to begin using your new mail account.