Outlook Express
1. Open Outlook Express on your computer. Choose the Tools menu and select Accounts.

2. Click on the tab that says Mail. Click the Add button and select Mail.

3. In the field that says Display Name, enter Your Real Name as you would like people to see it when they receive mail from you. Click Next.

4. Enter your email address in the format of username@netins.net. Click Next.

5. For Incoming Mail server, enter pop3.netins.net. For Outgoing Mail server, enter smtp.netins.net. Click Next.

6.Enter the Account name as username. Enter the password that was assigned to you by your telephone company. Click Next.

7. Click Finish..

8. Click Properties.

9. Click on the Servers tab. Place a check in My server requires authentication.

10. Click on the Advanced tab. In Outgoing mail (SMTP), enter 587. Click Apply. Click OK.

Click Close. You are now ready to begin using your new mail account.